Monday, June 11, 2012

"Pegasus Responds"

            Captain’s Log (Supplemental):   We are about an hour away from the Cratian Space Station in Sector G.  There has yet to be any further description of this ‘black force’ that is attacking the station and causing communications breakdowns.  Whatever it is, we are sure that it is the same thing that has attacked the neighboring planets, causing so much destruction.
Unless instructed otherwise by Fleet Command, I plan to land a heavily armed strike team to investigate.  We will dock at Bay Orange and begin our investigation there.   But since we still don’t know what we are facing, we are taking every possible precaution.  I do NOT want to be caught off guard by this thing, whatever it is. 
On a more personal note, it is obvious that the crew understands the situation.  Aside from the rather somber feel to the atmosphere, everyone I’ve seen is wearing a gloove and is already heavily armed.  Though the butterflies have already started, I know they will all do their jobs and serve the Fleet with honor.

To read the rest of the story check it out here:  "Pegasus Responds" (Cade) By Brian Holt.

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